
Weather in Bauschheim


Current data

Time of day
Temperature °C
Relative humidity %
Rainfall in the last 24 hours l/m²
Wind speed km/h
Air pressure hPa
Sunrise CET
Sunset CET

Weather forecast

yr.no Data from The Norwegian Meteorological Institute

Meteogramm: Rüsselsheim

Historical weather data

Measurements and graphics for a fixed period (day, week, month and year) or for any configurable period.

Weather Station

Kombiwettersensor Hardware: Radio combi weather sensor ELV KS 300-2, wireless temperature/humidity sensor ELV S 300 TH, USB Weather Data Receiver USB WDE1, air pressure sensor BMP085, 1-wire digital thermometer DS18S20, Raspberry Pi to control the data acquisition
Software: Debian GNU/ inux (Raspbian), python, pySerial, rrdtool
Technical details:


Rüsselsheim-Bauschheim (49°57'35"N, 8°22'42"E), Germany
